Below are some simple tips to help you keep focused, in control and at peak performance.

Plan weekly

Spend thirty minutes to one hour every week to plan the week ahead and to clarify the activities you should be focusing on.  This will allow you to jump straight into your day without too much thought.

Remember to be flexible where needed as situations may occur that are out of your control and need attending to.

Allocate time for your big rocks

When planning your week, start with allocating time for your big rocks first i.e. those activities that are critical to your performance.  It is important you understand when you are most productive, as it is during your productive times that you should allocate your big rocks.  We suggest you track your performance and energy levels over a few weeks to identify when you are most alert.  What works well for you may not necessarily work well for someone else, so keep track and continue to self assess.          

Take regular breaks

Make sure you take regular breaks throughout your day to help you stay alert, improve your productivity and performance and reduce stress.

You will gain a lot more from taking regular breaks rather than working straight through.   

When your planning your week remember to schedule time in your calendar for breaks.

Manage your interruptions

Whether we like to or not, interruptions are impossible to avoid.  But you can certainly manage them.  Read our article on “How to manage interruptions” for some practical tips.

Drink water

Remember that the majority of the human body and brain is water and so make sure you are keeping hydrated for peak performance.

Ask for help

Ask for help when you feel like your drowning and are unable to perform at your peak.  Asking for help will allow you to maintain focus and energy on the activities that matter the most to your performance.  It also shows that you can trust others within your team.

Manage your inbox

There is nothing more overwhelming and stressful then having an inbox full of unread emails and do not underestimate the impact it will have on your performance.  Read our article on “Maximize your performance: Inbox Management” for some practical tips.

Keeping focused is critical to increasing your performance levels.  What do you do to maximise your performance, keep focused and in control?

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